Suitable for 100 – 200 people

Dinner buffet
Suitable for 100 – 200 people

Party set-up
Suitable for 100 – 200 people


  • Suitable for 100 – 200 people
  • The area can easily be divided
  • Perfect for bigger meetings or parties

Willy van der Kuylen

The man with the devastating shot: Willy van der Kuylen. A beautiful space that is ideally suited for receptions. Enjoy a lavish bar and a stunning view of the field. A view that is guaranteed to impress!

The informal set-up has both seats and standing tables, and the space also has a coatroom and toilets.

Availability & information

Business, tasty or festive

For every event with a business, tasty or festive character, a suitable room is available. It is also possible to combine different areas with each other and to vary this. Any desired arrangement is possible and we will prepare it for you.